ANSWERED ON: 30.04.2013
(a) whether it is a fact that huge capital investment has been made by the domestic/ multinational companies for the expansion of the dairy industry;
(b) if so, the details thereof during the last three years and the current year;
(c) whether despite huge investment in the sector and increased production, the selling price of milk to the consumers is continuously increasing;
(d) if so, the quantum of increase in milk production registered during the period from 2004-0 to 2012-13 along with the increase in milk prices; and
(e) the other steps taken by the Government to increase the production and stabilise the price of milk in the country?
(a) (b) Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying Fisheries have no information regarding huge capital investment made by the domestic/multinational companies for the expansion of the dairy industry.
(c) (d) Increase in selling prices of milk is mainly attributed to increase in its cost of production. The details of milk production in India along with Wholesale Price Index of milk (base year 20040 100) from 2004-0 to 2012-13 is as given below; a ilk oution(million tonn) olal i n 000 9 10000 0006 971 10101 00607 106 109 0070 1079 11
0009 11 1 00910 116 161 01011 11 17 0111 179 1901 011 179 010 ntiiat
(e) The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Government of India is implementing the following schemes to enhance the production of milk in the country which also contributes to stabilize the milk prices:
i) National Dairy Plan-Phase I
ii) Intensive Dairy Development Programme
iii) Strengthening Infrastructure for Quality and Clean Milk Production
iv) Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme
v) National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding
vi) Livestock Health and Disease Control
vii) Fodder and Feed Development scheme