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MP Anantkumar Hegde claims 'corona jihad' international conspiracy

Karwar, Apr 23: Uttara Kannada MP Anantkumar Hegde who had earlier authored a series of articles linking coronavirus with Islam terrorism, has now started a new series of articles in Kannada under the heading, 'There is no doubt that corona jihad is aimed at destroying India, this is hard truth'.

"We are now coming across more and more pieces of evidence to prove that Tablighi Jamaat carried out an organized conspiracy to spread coronavirus infection in India. At a time when this disease was spreading all over the world, Tablighi activists, during the second week of January itself had begun to issue statements claiming that Allah had dispatched coronavirus to demolish the Kafirs and therefore, this disease does not harm the Muslims," Hegde wrote on his Facebook page.

"Those who talk in favour of the Tablighi are silent about the talks delivered by their leader, Maulana Saad Kandhalvi, at the Markaz events in Delhi. In his speeches, he has dismissed the notion that coronavirus is a disease of humans. He has accused the initiatives being undertaken to maintain social distance as an effort to ban the 'sunnah' custom of Islam. Kandhalvi, who was expected to deliver a religious address, spoke about coronavirus," Hegde pointed out.


Hegde said that the leader, by claiming that each of the Muslims is backed by 70,000 Allah's soldiers and therefore are not in any danger from the said disease, has indirectly instigated them to give up their lives. He has claimed that it has been established that the head of Tablighi had received a huge amount of money from foreign sources by way of Hawala transactions for spreading coronavirus infection in India. The Enforcement Directorate has registered a case against the Maulana. An international conspiracy is working behind this plan. Roles of Islamic jihadi organizations from various Islamic countries including Pakistan are coming to light now," Hegde added.


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